
Container Implementation of PSR-11


Auto wiring it can be a complex topic on other PSR-11 implementation, but we like it simple and ease, so we don’t over exaggerated in it’s complexity.

Our approach is using, type binding on factory, closure or construct on class and it’s default values.



class DriverManager 
    public function __construct(string $driver = 'default')
    public function resolve(): array
        return [/* ... */];

$container->factory(Redis::class, function (DriverManager $manager) {
    return new Redis($manager->resolve('redis-configuration'));

$redis = $container->get(Redis::class); // Driver Manager is auto resolved by looking if exists on class_exists, and check 

DriverManager has also a dependecy on constructor, but it has default value of ‘default’. Notice, DriverManager isn’t bind into container.

Remember, you can also use ContainerInterface or Container as dependency, because both of them are alias.


$container->factory(Redis::class, function (\Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $container) {
    return new Redis($container->get('config'));

// OR 

$container->factory(Redis::class, function (\Gravatalonga\Container $container) {
    return new Redis($container->get('config'));